Friday 3 August 2012

Fasting tips for a healthy Ramadan

  • During the early evening (after maghrib), have a healthy and balanced dinner. Do not overeat, and be sure to drink a few more glasses of fluids.

  • During the evening hours, resist the temptation to drink tea, coffee, and soda. When visiting friends or family, ask for glasses of water.

  • Serve yourself, your family, and guests a "dessert" of fresh fruit and nuts. There are lovely choices available in this season, and they are much more healthy than chocolates and candy.

  • Sip on water throughout the evening. Aim for 8 glasses by bedtime. To help you keep track, fill and refill a water bottle with a measured amount of water, and be sure to finish it.

  • Light exercise, such as walking for 15-20 minutes, is best done in the evening hours.

  • Avoid fried and spicy foods as they may cause heartburn or indigestion.

  • Speak to your doctor about an appropriate multi-vitamin.

  • Continue to brush and floss your teeth several times a day.

  • Wash your hands regularly, and avoid those who cough or sneeze. This is important to prevent the spread of viruses (such as seasonal flu and H1N1) and bacteria which may cause illness.

  • Quit smoking!

  • Organize your schedule so that you get enough sleep.

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